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Postów: 552 Dołączył: 2009-11-29

0001: wait 0 ms
0002: jump @MAIN_14396
0003: shake_camera 300
0004: $DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 250 // integer values
0005: $2 = 0.0625 // floating-point values
0006: 16@ = 0 // integer values
0008: $754 += 1 // integer values
0009: $1123 += 1.75 // floating-point values
000C: $1122 -= 3 // integer values
000D: $430 -= 10.0 // floating-point values
0010: $JUMP_BONUS *= 180 // integer values
0011: $LAND_Z *= 100.0 // floating-point values
0014: $JUMP_BONUS /= 3 // integer values
0015: $3 /= 2.0 // floating-point values
0018: $65 > 17 // integer values
0019: 16@ > 1440000 // integer values
001A: 19 > $65 // integer values
001B: 6000 > 16@ // integer values
001F: 17@ > $1480 // integer values
0020: $430 > -9.9999 // floating-point values
0022: 10.0 > $430 // floating-point values
0024: $CURRENT_Z > $HEIGHEST_Z // floating-point values only
0028: $65 >= 9 // integer values
0029: 17@ >= 20000 // integer values
002A: 5 >= $65 // integer values
002B: 5000 >= 16@ // integer values
0038: $ONMISSION == 0 // integer values
0039: 1@ == 1 // integer values
003A: $1290 == $PARAMEDIC_PEOPLE_TO_SAVE_THIS_LEVEL // integer values and handles
0042: $1090 == 1016.0 // floating-point values
004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_14291
004E: end_thread
004F: create_thread @NONAME_4
0050: gosub @C_CARP_1474
0051: return
0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player #NULL at 811.875 -939.9374 35.75
0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to $1347 $1348 $1349
0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 888.5625 -308.3749 -99.9999
0056: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -229.9999 255.0 -209.9999 275.0
0057: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1066.5625 -403.4999 14.0 1072.75 -393.9999 18.0
0058: $JUMP_BONUS += $JUMP_ROTATION // integer values
0059: $773 += $774 // floating-point values
0060: $DODO_FLIGHTTIME -= $DODO_TAKEOFFTIME // integer values
0061: $773 -= $772 // floating-point values
0068: $JUMP_BONUS *= $JUMP_MULTIPLY // integer values
0069: $766 *= $766 // floating-point values
0070: $1293 /= $PARAMEDIC_PEOPLE_TO_SAVE_THIS_LEVEL // integer values
0071: $1363 /= $1365 // floating-point values
0084: $JUMP_BONUS = $JUMP_FLIPS // integer values and handles
0086: $3 = $2 // floating-point values only
008C: $JUMP_ROTATION = float_to_integer $775
008D: $LAND_Z = integer_to_float $JUMP_DIST
0099: $3260 = random_integer_0-to-65535
009A: $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER = create_actor 21 #SPECIAL04 at 1070.75 -396.9374 14.1875
009B: destroy_actor_instantly $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER
009C: set_actor $FACTORY_TRIAD1 wander_path_to 0
009F: set_actor $WASTED_HELP_MEDIC objective_to-1
00A0: store_actor $PATIENT1 position_to $1355 $1356 $1357
00A1: put_actor $1484 at 1204.1875 -801.8749 13.6875
00A2: actor $RAY1_WITNESS alive
00A3: actor $CURLY_BOB 0 1538.0 -740.9999 1304.0 -900.9999
00A4: actor $SALVATORE 0 1428.75 -186.9999 50.0 1442.5 -179.8749 53.0
00A5: $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT = create_car $VAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT_TYPE at 1504.0625 -680.0624 12.0625
00A6: destroy_car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT
00A7: car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE drive_to 1023.0 -479.9999 19.6875
00A8: set_car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE to_psycho_driver
00A9: set_car $BUSTED_HELP_ENFORCER to_normal_driver
00AA: store_car $735 position_to $CURRENT_X $CURRENT_Y $CURRENT_Z
00AB: put_car $VIGILANTE_CRIMINALS_CAR at $1436 $1437 $1438
00AC: car $FRANK1_PARTY_CAR1 on_land
00AD: set_car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE max_speed_to 40.0
00AE: unknown_set_car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE to_ignore_traffic_lights 2
00AF: set_car $LUIGI4_PIMP_CAR driver_behaviour_to 11
00B0: car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT 0 1496.75 -686.1874 1523.25 -666.7499
00B1: car $CAR_WITH_CORPSE 0 1135.75 55.5 -0.9999 1149.75 46.25 30.0
00BA: text_styled 'RC1' 15000 ms 2
00BB: text_lowpriority 'DIAB2_1' 5000 ms 1
00BC: text_highpriority 'WRONGT1' 5000 ms 1
00BD: text_mediumpriority 'TAXI1' 1500 ms 1
00BE: text_clear_all
00BF: $65 = current_time_hours, $66 = current_time_minutes
00C0: set_current_time 12 0
00D6: if
00D7: create_thread_with_wasted_busted_check @HJ // Special rules for create_thread commands. Read the readme.
00D8: mission_cleanup
00DA: $PLAYER_CAR = player $PLAYER_CHAR car
00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving $1483
00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #TOYZ
00DF: actor $PATIENT1 driving
00E0: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving
00E1: key_pressed 0 19
00E3: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1140.25 50.0625 radius 20.0 20.0
00E4: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 811.875 -939.9374 radius 3.5 3.5
00E5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 940.375 -933.6874 radius 4.0 4.0
00E6: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped $10 1529.0 -823.9999 radius 3.0 4.0
00E7: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 1440.625 -181.3749 radius 1.0 1.0
00E8: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 906.0 -424.9999 radius 4.0 4.0
00E9: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE radius 150.0 150.0
00EA: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $3276 radius 40.0 40.0
00EB: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $MISTY_CHAR radius 20.0 20.0
00ED: actor $1484 0 1204.1875 -801.8749 radius 0.5 0.5
00EE: actor $SALVATORE 0 1371.0 -283.8749 radius 50.0 50.0
00EF: actor $FRANK3_8BALL stopped 1 1529.0 -823.9999 radius 3.0 4.0
00F0: actor $MARIA stopped 0 1440.5 -179.1249 radius 1.0 1.0
00F5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1014.0 -119.9999 5.0 radius 5.0 5.0 5.0
00F6: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1224.5625 -840.2499 15.0 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0
00F7: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 793.125 -929.9374 42.125 radius 4.0 2.0 3.0
00F9: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 1224.5625 -840.2499 15.0 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0
00FB: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $LUIGI2_DEALER radius 10.0 10.0 10.0
00FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $LUIGI5_PROSTITUTE1 on_foot radius 8.0 8.0 2.0
00FD: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $PATIENT1 in_car radius 10.0 10.0 2.0
00FE: actor $FRANK3_CARTEL4 0 1517.5 -940.5624 18.375 radius 0.5 0.5 2.0
00FF: actor $1498 0 1209.375 -807.1874 14.0 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
0107: $JOEY2_NOODLE_STAND = create_object #NOODLESBOX at 975.0 -719.9999 14.0
0108: destroy_object $1118
0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += $JUMP_BONUS
010A: player $PLAYER_CHAR money > 499999
010C: change_player_into_rc_buggy $PLAYER_CHAR at $1162 $1163 $1164 180.0
010D: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level_to $1149
010E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR minimum_wanted_level_to 1
010F: player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
0111: set_wasted_busted_check_to 1
0112: wasted_or_busted
0117: player $PLAYER_CHAR wasted
0118: actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER dead
0119: car $735 wrecked
011A: set_actor $FACTORY_TRIAD1 flags 1
011C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR clear_objective
0121: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'S_VIEW'
0123: actor $ASUKA1_MAFIA9 spotted_player $PLAYER_CHAR
0126: actor $JOEY4_TRIAD1 walking
0129: $BUSTED_HELP_COP_1 = create_actor 4 #COP in_car $BUSTED_HELP_POLICECAR_1 driverseat
012A: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 1454.5625 -189.4999 55.0 and_remove_from_car
0130: player $PLAYER_CHAR busted
0135: 2 = car $1497 door_status
0137: car $735 id == #DODO
0149: car $1483 crushed_by_car_crusher
014B: $JOEY_BFINJECTION = init_parked_car_generator #BFINJECT -1 -1 0 alarm 100 door_lock 0 0 10000 at 930.875 -267.6249 -99.9999 angle 340.0
014C: set_parked_car_generator $JOEY_BFINJECTION cars_to_generate_to 0
014D: text_pager 'DIAB1_A' 140 2 0
014E: set_timer_to $COUNTDOWN_TIME1
014F: stop_timer $COUNTDOWN_TIME1
0151: remove_status_text $RC_BUGGY_KILLS
0152: set_zone_car_info 'CITYZON' 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 240 240 240 240 0 0
0154: actor $FIRE_MISSION_DRIVER in_zone 'PORT_W'
0156: set_zone_ped_density 'PARK' 1 0
0157: camera_on_player $PLAYER_CHAR 15 2
0158: camera_on_vehicle $USJ_CAR 15 2
0159: camera_on_ped $8BALL_CHAR 15 2
015A: restore_camera
015C: set_zone_gang_info 'CITYZON' 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
015D: set_gamespeed 0.25
015F: set_camera_position 884.5 -305.3124 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
0160: point_camera 885.25 -305.8124 13.0 2
0161: tie_marker $DIABLO1_CHEETAH1_MARKER to_car $DIABLO1_CHEETAH1 0 1
0162: tie_marker $KENJI5_YARDIE1_MARKER to_actor $KENJI5_YARDIE1 1 3
0164: disable_marker $LUIGI_MISSION_MARKER
0165: set_marker $3881 color_to 4
0166: set_marker $2341 brightness_to 1
0168: show_on_radar $2341 2
0169: set_fade_color 0 0 0
016A: fade 0 0 ms
016B: fading
016C: restart_if_wasted at 1144.25 -596.8749 13.875 90.0
016D: restart_if_busted at 1143.875 -675.1874 -99.9999 90.0
016E: override_restart at 811.875 -939.9374 35.75 180.0
016F: create_particle 3 0.0 1.0 0 255 0 0 at 1270.8125 -1107.6874 11.0625
0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 180.0
0172: $2068 = actor $MARIA z_angle
0173: set_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER z_angle_to 170.0
0174: $772 = car $735 z_angle
0175: set_car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT z_angle_to 90.0
0176: $430 = object $13 z_angle
0177: set_object $MISTY_DOOR2 z_angle_to 180.0
0178: player $PLAYER_CHAR picked_up_object $4102
017A: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 7 ammo_to 0
0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $ONMISSION
0181: on_mission_for 12 flag = $ON_MISSION_FOR_8BALL
0182: contact 12 base_brief = 1000
0185: car $TAXI_MISSION_CAR health >= 500
0186: $FIRE_MISSION_MARKER = create_marker_above_car $FIRE_MISSION_CAR
0187: $1307 = create_marker_above_actor $PATIENT1
0188: $2624 = create_marker_above_object $ASUKA4_FAKETARGET1
018B: show_on_radar $PORTLAND_SAVE_MARKER 2
018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
018D: $111 = create_sound 41 at 850.75 -663.6874 15.0
018E: stop_sound $131
0192: set_actor $PATIENT1 objective_to_stand_still
0193: set_actor $PED_FOR_TAXIMISSION objective_to_act_like_ped
0194: set_actor $JOEY2_TRIAD1 objective_to_go_to_point 976.0625 -715.2499 14.1875
0197: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1089.875 -223.8749 1084.5 -228.4999
019B: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 1089.875 -223.8749 1084.5 -228.4999
019C: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 891.1875 -309.6874 7.6875 899.25 -303.2499 12.6875
019D: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1339.5625 -459.4999 49.0 1332.75 -462.7499 53.0
01A0: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 839.1875 -667.3749 14.0 842.0625 -673.8749 17.0
01A3: actor $RAY4_RAT stopped 0 1364.0625 -614.4999 1473.75 -560.1874
01A8: actor $LUIGI5_PROSTITUTE1 stopped 0 1003.5 -882.9999 13.875 996.75 -876.3749 18.0
01AB: car $3721 stopped 0 -1049.1249 -77.4374 -1037.1874 -69.1249
01AC: car $1483 stopped 0 1135.75 55.5 -0.9999 1149.75 46.25 9.0
01AD: car $BUSTED_HELP_ENFORCER 0 1133.0 -668.9999 3.0 3.0
01AE: car $FRANK1_ENFORCER1 stopped 0 1252.0 -1085.9999 18.0 18.0
01AF: car $FRANK1_ENFORCER1 0 $2068 $2069 $2070 radius 2.0 2.0 2.0
01B0: car $1497 stopped 0 1195.5625 -804.9999 13.6875 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
01B1: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 4 ammo 20
01B2: give_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER weapon 4 ammo 999
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0
01B5: force_weather 0
01B6: set_weather 3
01B7: release_weather
01B8: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR armed_weapon_to 4
01B9: set_actor $TONI_CIPRIANI armed_weapon_to 0
01BB: store_object $TRIAD_FISH_FACTORY_GATE position_to $1090 $1091 $1092
01BC: put_object $AIRPORT_DOOR1 at -770.3749 -599.2499 11.8125
01BD: $DODO_TAKEOFFTIME = current_time_in_ms
01BE: set_actor $8BALL_CHAR to_look_at_spot 811.875 -939.9374 35.75
01C0: $1149 = player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $FACTORY_TRIAD1 // Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
01C3: remove_references_to_car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT // Like turning a car into any random car
01C4: remove_references_to_object $LUIGI5_POLICE_BALL_SIGN // This object will now disappear when the player looks away
01C7: remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list $PLAYER_DOOR
01C8: $LUIGI4_PIMP = create_actor 4 #PIMP in_car $LUIGI4_PIMP_CAR passenger_seat 0
01C9: actor $MEAT4_CARLOS kill_actor $1526
01CB: actor $3818 kill_actor $3854
01D0: actor $LUIGI2_PROSTITUTE1 avoid_player $PLAYER_CHAR
01D1: actor $MARIA follow_actor $CHICO_DRUGDEALER
01D2: actor $LUIGI3_MISTY follow_player $PLAYER_CHAR
01D3: actor $PATIENT1 leave_car $PARAMEDIC_MISION_CAR
01D4: actor $BUSTED_HELP_SWAT_2 go_to_car $BUSTED_HELP_ENFORCER and_enter_it_as_a_passenger
01D5: actor $WASTED_HELP_MEDIC go_to_and_drive_car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE
01D9: actor $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE run_away_from_car $1427
01DE: tie_actor $TONI4_TRIAD4 to_actor $TONI4_TRIAD1
01DF: tie_actor $MISTY_CHAR to_player $PLAYER_CHAR
01E0: clear_leader $MEAT4_CARLOS
01E1: set_actor $FRANK3_CARTEL3 follow_route 0 3
01E2: add_route_point 0 at 1533.875 -925.9999 -99.9999
01E3: text_1number_styled 'REWARD' $VAR_UNIQUE_JUMP_BONUS 6000 ms 6
01E4: text_1number_lowpriority 'HJ_IS' $JUMP_BONUS 2000 ms 1
01E5: text_1number_highpriority 'DODO_FT' $DODO_FLIGHTTIME 5000 ms 1
01E7: remove_forbidden_for_cars_cube 824.875 -633.7499 13.0 845.25 -693.7499 18.0
01E8: create_forbidden_for_cars_cube 619.5625 -911.4999 45.0 834.25 -954.4999 32.0
01E9: $1286 = car $PARAMEDIC_MISION_CAR num_passengers
01EA: $1285 = car $PARAMEDIC_MISION_CAR max_passengers
01EB: set_car_density_to 0.0
01ED: reset_actor $8BALL_CHAR flags
01EE: activate_crane 1570.25 -675.3749 1638.6875 -687.0624 1647.875 -700.0624 1571.0625 -696.4999 16.0 0.0
01EF: deactivate_crane 1570.25 -675.3749
01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 4
01F3: car $735 airborne
01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = create_emulated_actor_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR
01F6: cancel_override_restart
01F7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_cops_state_to 1
01F9: init_rampage 'PAGE_00' 6 120000 $VAR_RAMPAGE_AMOUNT1 #GANG05 #GANG06 #PLAYERSDOOR #PLAYERSDOOR 0
01FA: $FLAG_RAMPAGE_STATUS = rampage_status
01FB: $769 = square_root $768
01FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $3101 radius 20.0 20.0 0
01FD: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car_on_foot $3721 radius 15.0 15.0 0
0202: actor $3738 near_car $3721 radius 40.0 40.0 unknown 0
0203: actor $ASUKA1_MAFIA11 near_car_on_foot $2494 radius 4.0 4.0 unknown 0
0204: actor $ASUKA1_MAFIA1 near_car_in_car $2498 radius 10.0 10.0 unknown 0
0208: $PATIENT_Z_ANGLE = random_float 0.0 359.875
0209: $1301 = random_int 0 2
020A: set_car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT door_status_to 1
020B: explode_car $FIRE_MISSION_CAR
020C: create_explosion 5 at 965.75 -1111.8749 15.5
020D: car $735 flipped
020E: actor $MEAT4_CARLOS look_at_actor $1526
020F: actor $PED_FOR_TAXIMISSION look_at_player $PLAYER_CHAR
0210: player $PLAYER_CHAR look_at_actor $MARIA
0213: $98 = create_pickup #COLT45 type 6 at 1068.5 -400.7499 15.1875
0214: pickup $WASTED_INFO_PICKUP picked_up
0215: destroy_pickup $WASTED_INFO_PICKUP
0216: set_car $TAXI_MISSION_CAR taxi_available_light_to 1
0217: text_styled 'USJ' 5000 ms 5
0218: text_1number_styled 'REWARD' $VIGILANTE_BONUS 6000 ms 6
0219: $PORTLAND_HIDEOUT_GARAGE = create_garage 16 from 891.25 -311.0624 7.6875 898.375 -315.4999 12.6875
021B: set_garage $LUIGIS_LOCKUP_GARAGE to_accept_car $LUIGI2_DEALER_CAR
021C: car_inside_garage $KENJI_LOCKUP_GARAGE
021D: set_free_bomb_shop_to 1
0221: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR trapped_in_car 0
0222: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR health_to 100
0223: set_actor $RAY2_PHIL health_to 5
0227: $1283 = car $PARAMEDIC_MISION_CAR health
0228: car $LIPSFORELLI_CAR bomb_status == 5
0229: set_car $EIGHT_CAR color_to 58 1
022A: remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube 1609.75 -615.1874 9.0 1557.75 -673.3749 20.0
022B: create_forbidden_for_peds_cube 659.5625 200.0 -24.9999 945.75 147.5 5.0
022C: set_actor $BUSTED_HELP_SWAT_2 to_look_at_actor $BUSTED_HELP_DIABLO
022D: set_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER to_look_at_player $PLAYER_CHAR
022E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR to_look_at_actor $TONI_CIPRIANI
022F: set_actor $BUSTED_HELP_SWAT_1 stop_looking
0230: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR stop_looking
0236: set_gang 0 car_to #MAFIA
0237: set_gang 0 primary_weapon_to 2 secondary_weapon_to 2
0239: actor $8BALL_CHAR run_to 892.6875 -308.5624
023C: load_special_actor 4 'SAM'
0240: unknown $4102 1
0242: set_car $BLOWFISH_GARBAGE_TRUCK bomb_status_to 1
0243: set_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER ped_stats_to 16
0244: set_cutscene_pos -537.3749 1051.1875 36.875
0245: set_actor $8BALL_CHAR walk_style_to 9
0247: request_model #GANG03
0248: model #SENTINEL available
0249: release_model #GANG03
024A: $PHONE_DIABLOS = create_phone_at 937.875 -230.0624
024C: text_phone $PHONE_RAY1 'AM4_1A'
024E: disable_phone $PHONE_MARTY
024F: create_corona 1.0 5 0 with_color 0 200 200 at_point $OFFROAD_CHECKPOINT_1_X $OFFROAD_CHECKPOINT_1_Y $OFFROAD_CHECKPOINT_1_Z
0250: create_light_at 780.5 -942.8749 39.0 RGB_values 235 255 250
0255: set_critical_mission_restart_at 811.875 -939.9374 35.75 angle 180.0
0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
0291: unknown_actor $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE unknown_behavior_flag 1
0293: $CURRENT_CONTROLS = current_controls
0294: unknown_car $LIPSFORELLI_CAR flag 0
0296: unload_special_actor 4
0297: clear_rampage_kills
0298: $RC_BUGGY_KILLS = rampage_kills #DIABLOS
0299: activate_garage $WITSEC_HOUSE_GARAGE
029B: $PLAYER_DOOR = init_object #PLAYERSDOOR at 890.875 -307.6874 8.75
029C: $USJ_CAR stopped
029F: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped
02A0: actor $FRANK1_PARTY_PERSON1 stopped
02A1: (unknown) 3500 1
02A2: create_particle 4 0 at 791.625 -936.8749 38.3125
02A3: toggle_widescreen 0
02A7: $LUIGI_MISSION_MARKER = create_icon_marker_and_sphere 13 at 892.75 -425.7499 13.875
02A8: $P_AND_S_MARKER = create_marker 18 at 925.0 -359.4999 -99.9999
02A9: set_actor $PATIENT1 immune_to_nonplayer 1
02AA: set_car $FIRE_MISSION_CAR immune_to_nonplayer 1
02AB: set_actor $JOEY4_TRIAD1 immunities 1 1 1 1 1
02AC: set_car $JOEY3_VAN immunities 1 1 0 0 1
02B3: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube 1247.5625 -821.9999 12.0 1253.9375 -814.9999 18.0 radius 14.0 sphere 0
02B4: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube_on_foot 1466.1875 -174.9999 50.0 1452.875 -172.0624 60.0 radius 11.5625 sphere 0
02B9: deactivate_garage $WITSEC_HOUSE_GARAGE
02BC: set_cop_behaviour 0
02BF: car $735 sunk
02C1: set $1394 $1395 $1396 to_car_path_coords_closest_to $1387 $1388 $1393
02C2: car $BUSTED_HELP_ENFORCER drive_to_point 1133.0 -668.9999 15.0
02C3: create_donkey_mags 0
02C5: $2433 = donkey_mags_picked_up
02C6: remove_pickup_items_from_ground
02C7: scatter_platinum 90 at -1079.9999 -163.1874 -99.9999 100.0
02C8: $4207 = platinum_pieces_in_car
02C9: remove_platinum_from_car
02CA: car $LUIGI4_PIMP_CAR bounding_sphere_visible
02CB: actor $RAY1_WITNESS bounding_sphere_visible
02CD: call @NONAME_79_67 @NONAME_79_67
02CE: $3196 = ground_z $3194 $3195 $3196
02CF: $1978 = create_fire_at 966.0 -1111.7499 13.75
02D3: boat $ASUKA3_REPORTER_BOAT drive_to 744.75 -350.0624 0.0
02D4: unknown_turn_off_car $FRANK4_BOAT engine
02D5: player $PLAYER_CHAR firing_weapons_in_rectangle 1610.5625 -614.5624 1340.875 -1074.4999 0
02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 2
02D9: donkey_mags_picked_up = none
02DB: set_boat $ASUKA3_REPORTER_BOAT speed_to 48.0
02DD: set_actor $PED_FOR_TAXIMISSION creation_zone 'IND_ZON'
02DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_taxi_vehicle
02DF: unknown_player $PLAYER_CHAR
02E1: $3315 = create_cash_pickup 20000 at 238.9375 -993.6874 21.0
02E2: set_actor $ASUKA2_MAFIA4 weapon_accuracy_to 70
02E3: $USJ_CAR_SPEED = car $USJ_CAR speed
02E4: load_cutscene_data 'BET'
02E5: $CUTSCENE_PLAYER = create_cutscene_object #SPECIAL04
02E6: set_cutscene_anim $CUTSCENE_PLAYER 'PLAYERX'
02E7: start_cutscene
02E8: $CUT_SCENE_TIME = cutscenetime
02EA: end_cutscene
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
02EC: put_hidden_package_at 1105.25 -1019.9999 25.0625
02ED: set_total_hidden_packages_to 100
02EF: projectile_in_cube 376.0625 -445.1874 28.0625 380.0625 -441.1874 31.6875
02F1: unknown_create_gta3_exploding_barrel_at $3194 $3195 $3196
02F3: load_object #CUTOBJ01 'CS_BAN'
02F4: create_cutscene_actor $INTRO_CATALINA from_head #CUTOBJ05 and_body $INTRO_CATALINAS_BODY
02F5: set_head_anim $INTRO_CATALINA 'CAT'
02F8: unknown_car $RAY4_GHOST unknown_cosine $3203
02F9: unknown_car $RAY4_GHOST unknown_sinus $3204
02FA: garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE change_to_type 19
02FB: create_crusher_crane 1119.75 51.75 1135.75 56.0625 1149.75 46.25 1143.0 59.875 5.0 180.0
030C: set_mission_points += 1
030D: set_total_mission_points_to 154
030E: save_jump_distance $769
030F: save_jump_height $HEIGHEST_Z
0310: save_jump_flips $JUMP_FLIPS
0311: save_jump_rotation $JUMP_ROTATION
0312: save_jump_type 1
0313: increment_unique_jumps_found
0314: set_total_unique_jumps_to 20
0315: increment_taxi_dropoffs
0316: save_taxi_earnings_from $TOTAL_TAXI_EARNINGS
0317: increment_mission_attempts
0318: set_latest_mission_passed 'RC1'
0319: set_actor $PATIENT1 wander_state_to 1
031A: remove_all_fires
031D: actor $4215 hit_by_weapon 1
0321: kill_actor $PATIENT1
0323: unknown_car $FRANK4_BOAT flag 1
0324: set_zone_pedgroup_info 'CITYZON' 1 0
0325: $1367 = create_car $FIRE_MISSION_CAR fire
0327: $2494 = create_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area 900.4375 -431.8749 905.75 -419.9374
0329: garage $PORTLAND_PAYNSPRAY_GARAGE respray_done
032B: $602 = create_weapon_pickup #AK47 14 ammo 60 at 1249.0 -858.4999 20.5625
032D: car $3727 block $3721
0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run_to 1
0332: set_actor $PATIENT1 bleeding_to 1
0335: set_free_paynspray_to 1
0336: (unknown) $PLAYER_CHAR 0
0339: objects_in_cube 870.375 -309.8749 6.0 865.1875 -314.6874 12.0 0 1 1 1 1
033A: create_incoming_cessna
033B: incoming_cessna_landed
033C: incoming_cessna_destroyed
033E: text_draw 320.0 400.0 'PAPER1'
033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.75 1.0
0340: set_text_draw_color 190 190 190 $1122
0342: (unknown) 1
0344: (unknown) 580.0
0345: (unknown) 1
0346: set_text_draw_background_color 0 0 0 $1122
0348: (unknown) 1
0349: text_draw_style = 0
034A: portland_complete
034B: staunton_complete
034C: shoreside_complete
034D: unknown_rotate_object $FUZZBALL_DOOR1 unknown_angle 180.0 10.0 0
034E: unknown_move_object $AIRPORT_DOOR1 to -770.3749 -597.8124 11.8125 unknown_angle 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0
034F: destroy_actor_with_fade $PATIENT1 // The actor fades away like a ghost
0350: unknown_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER not_scared_flag 1
0351: gore_enabled
0352: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR skin_to 'PLAYER'
0353: refresh_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
0354: set_up_chase_scene 1.0
0355: clean_up_chase_scene
0358: create_drop_off_cessna
0359: drop_off_cessna_shot_down
035A: get_drop_off_cessna_coords $3440 $3441 $3442
035B: $3422 = create_drop_off_package $3440 $3441 $3442
035C: place_object $3095 relative_to_car $3101 offset 0.25 -1.6874 -0.0624
035D: make_object $FAKETARGET1 targetable
035F: set_actor $CHUNKY_LEE_CHONG armour_to 100
0360: open_garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE
0361: close_garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE
0362: remove_actor $ASUKA3_REPORTER from_car_and_place_at 547.25 -778.3749 -99.9999
0363: toggle_model_render_at 1027.25 -933.7499 15.0 radius 50.0 object #INDHELIX_BARRIER 0
0365: set_actor $PED_FOR_TAXIMISSION objective_to-29
0366: (unknown) $3943
0367: init_gta3_rampage 'PAGE_00' 7 120000 $VAR_RAMPAGE_AMOUNT7 #GANG09 #GANG10 #PLAYERSDOOR #PLAYERSDOOR 0
0368: create_ev_crane 1570.25 -675.3749 1565.6875 -686.4999 1576.75 -706.5624 1639.875 -696.6874 26.0 0.0
0369: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car $JOEY4_LIMO
036D: text_2numbers_styled 'IN_ROW' $FARES_INROW_COMPLETED $FARES_INROW_BONUS 5000 ms 6
0372: set_actor $CHICO_DRUGDEALER anim 0 wait_state_time 100 ms
0373: set_camera_directly_behind_player
0374: set_motion_blur 5
0377: set_actor $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE objective_to-32
037F: give_player_detonator
0381: throw_object $1983 distance -9.9999 6.0 18.0
0382: unknown_set_object $3095 collision_detection 0
0384: text_1string 'F_START' 'PORT_W' 5000 ms 1
038B: load_requested_models
038C: object $3095 scatter 0.0 0.0 16.0
0392: object $1983 toggle_in_moving_list 1
0394: play_music 1
0395: clear_area 1 at 888.5625 -308.3749 range -99.9999 1.0
0396: 1 useless_flag
0397: car $WASTED_HELP_AMBULANCE siren = 1
0399: create_forbidden_for_peds_angled_cube 1222.875 -838.3749 13.5 1256.25 -804.8749 16.0 angle 58.0
039C: (unknown) $LUIGI4_PIMP_CAR 1
039D: scatter_particles 19 1.0 0 0 0 0 at $1123 $1124 $1125 $1126 $1127 $1128
039E: (unknown) $1484 1
03A2: (unknown) $JOEY4_LIMO 0
03A3: (unknown) $PATIENT1
03A4: name_thread 'MAIN'
03A5: set_garage $SECURICAR_GARAGE type_to 7 118
03A6: get_drug_plane_coords $4099 $4100 $4101
03AA: play_suspect_last_seen_at $1436 $1437 $1438
03AB: (unknown) $FORELLI_CAR1 1
03AC: clear_route 0
03AD: set_rubbish 0
03AE: remove_objects_from_cube 804.0 -947.9999 30.0 765.125 -924.3124 50.0
03AF: set_streaming 0
03B1: garage $SALVATORES_GARAGE door_closed
03B2: start_catalina_flyby
03B3: catalina_take_off
03B4: remove_catalina_heli
03B5: catalina_shot_down
03B6: replace_model_at 1027.25 -933.7499 15.0 radius 50.0 from #INDHELIX_BARRIER to #LOD_LAND014
03B7: process_cut_scene_only 0
03B8: clear_weapons_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR
03B9: create_catalinas_chopper $CAT1_CHOPPER
03BA: clear_cars_from_cube 266.8125 -610.8749 30.375 306.25 -479.8749 34.8125
03BB: set_garage $SALVATORES_GARAGE door_type_to_swing_open
03BC: $1607 = create_sphere 925.0625 -350.4999 9.25 2.5
03BD: destroy_sphere $1607
03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 1
03C1: $735 = player $PLAYER_CHAR car
03C4: set_status_text_to $RC_BUGGY_KILLS 0 'KILLS'
03C5: create_random_car_for_carpark 311.5 -510.2499 28.0625 91.0
03C6: current_island == 1
03C7: unknown_maby_cops_density 0.5
03C8: rotate_player-180-degrees
03C9: car $LIPSFORELLI_CAR damaged
03CA: object $13 exists
03CB: set_camera -559.6249 1030.5 40.0
03CC: car $FRANK2_TAXI add_to_stuck_car_check 5.0 = 30000
03CD: car $FRANK2_TAXI remove_from_stuck_car_check
03CE: car $FRANK2_TAXI stuck
03CF: load_wav 'DOOR_1'
03D0: wav_loaded
03D1: play_wav
03D2: wav_ended
03D3: point $1436 $1437 $1438 get_nearby_vector $1436 $1437 $1438 $1445
03D4: garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE contains_neededcar 1
03D5: remove_text 'MEA1_H'
03D6: remove_big_text 'M_PASS'
03D7: set_wav_location $2074 $2075 $2076
03D8: show_save_screen
03DA: set_garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE camera_follows_player
03DC: $LUIGI2_BAT_MARKER = create_marker_above_pickup $LUIGI2_BAT_PICKUP
03DD: pickup $LUIGI4_COLT45_PICKUP show_on_radar 20 $1637
03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0.0
03DF: all_random_peds #PIMP
03E1: $VAR_NUM_HIDDEN_PACKAGES_FOUND = packages_found
03E2: actor $DIABLO1_RACE_TIME exit_car
03E5: text_box 'ATUTOR'
03E6: remove_text_box
03E7: flash_hud 4
03EA: generate_cars_around_camera 1
03EB: clear_small_messages_only
03EC: ev_crane_collected_all_cars
03EE: player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
03EF: player $PLAYER_CHAR make_safe
03F0: (unknown) 1
03F1: pedtype 12 add_threat 1
03F2: pedgroup 8 remove_threat 1
03F3: get_car $EIGHT_CAR color $1581 $1582
03F4: 1 cars_can_be_damaged
03F7: load_island_data 0
03F8: (unknown) $3248
03F9: make_actors $LUIGI2_DEALER $LUIGI2_PROSTITUTE1 converse_in -1 ms
03FB: (unknown) $ASUKA5_TANNER_CAR 1
03FC: (unknown) $MARIA 0
03FD: save_offroad_time $386
03FE: save_offroadII_time $387
03FF: save_offroadIII_time $388
0400: save_mayhem_time $389
0401: increment_people_saved_in_ambulance
0402: increment_criminals_stopped
0403: save_highest_ambulance_level $PARAMEDIC_MISSION_LEVEL
0404: increment_fires_extinguished
0405: enable_phone $PHONE_MARTY
0406: save_dodo_flight_time $DODO_FLIGHTTIME
0407: time_taken_defuse_mission = $4199
0408: set_total_rampages_to 20
0409: blow_up_rc_buggy
040A: remove_car_from_chase 2
040D: clear_mission_audio
0410: override_gang_model 6 0
0411: (unknown) $ASUKA1_MAFIA14 1
0413: (unknown) $PLAYER_CHAR 1
0417: start_mission INTRO // Intro Movie
0418: (unknown) $1106 1
0419: $RAY1_WITNESS_CAR = player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 11 ammo
041C: make_actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER say 103
041D: set_camera_near_clip 2.5
041E: set_radio_station 0 0
041F: override_hospital 2
0420: override_police_station 2
0421: toggle_rain 1
0422: garage_contain_car $LUIGIS_LOCKUP_GARAGE $LUIGI2_DEALER_CAR
0424: metric
0426: create_save_cars_between_levels_cube 619.5625 -911.4999 45.0 834.25 -954.4999 32.0
0428: unknown_car $VIGILANTE_CRIMINALS_CAR flag 1
042A: ped_threat_exists 8 1
042B: clear_peds_from_cube 1164.25 -888.8124 10.0 1291.75 -811.6874 20.0
042C: set_total_missions_to 73
042D: $JUMP_DIST = metric_to_imperial $JUMP_DIST
042F: save_record 1 $RC1_RECORD
0433: (unknown) $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE 1
0434: show_credits
0435: end_credits
0436: reached_end_of_credits
0437: scatter_particle 5 0.0 at $1123 $1124 $1125 $1126 $1127 $1128
0438: (unknown) $MARIA 1
043A: start_boat_foam_animation
043B: update_boat $165 foam_animation
043C: unknown_set_game_sounds 0
043D: unknown_set_play_intro_flag 1
043F: play_cutscene_music
0440: stop_cutscene_music
0442: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car $4166
0444: create_fire_audio $2963 1
0445: unknown_cheat_check
0447: (unknown) $PLAYER_CHAR
044C: change_to_island 2
044D: load_splash 'NEWS'
044E: car $3721 level 1
044F: (unknown) $LIPSFORELLI_CAR 1
0450: car $3812 warp_to_player
0451: load_end_of_game_audio
8018: not $1845 > 2 // integer values
8019: not 16@ > 3000 // integer values
801A: not 1 > $COUNTDOWN_TIME1 // integer values
8020: not $USJ_CAR_SPEED > 25.0 // floating-point values
8022: not 1540.0 > $PARAMEDIC_CREATE_PATIENT_X // floating-point values
8028: not $4205 >= 30 // integer values
8038: not $CURRENT_CONTROLS == 3 // integer values
803A: not $2356 == $2357 // integer values and handles
8042: not $430 == 0.0 // floating-point values
8056: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1294.0 -655.9999 1316.0 -637.9999
8057: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 889.5625 -418.0624 15.0 895.125 -412.6249 18.0
80A3: not actor $RAY1_COP3 0 375.0 -441.4999 386.0 -433.9999
80A4: not actor $MARIA 0 565.25 -678.3749 -1.9999 575.25 -688.3749 4.0
80B0: not car $CAR_EV_CRANE 0 1668.5625 -685.6874 1548.0625 -745.4999
80B1: not car $LIPSFORELLI_CAR 0 1339.5625 -459.4999 49.0 1332.75 -462.7499 53.0
80C2: not sphere_onscreen $1436 $1437 $1438 4.0
80DC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving $TAXI_MISSION_CAR
80DE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type #TOYZ
80DF: not actor $PATIENT1 driving
80E0: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving
80E1: not key_pressed 0 16
80E3: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 908.25 -85.9999 radius 100.0 100.0
80E4: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 87.4375 -1548.6874 radius 1.0 1.0
80E5: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $2074 $2075 radius 30.0 30.0
80E6: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped $10 1196.0 -873.9999 radius 3.0 4.0
80E8: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped $10 937.875 -259.7499 radius 3.0 3.0
80E9: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE radius 100.0 100.0
80EB: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $PATIENT1 radius 25.0 25.0
80EC: not actor $FRANK1_PARTY_PERSON1 0 $2077 $2078 radius 2.0 2.0
80ED: not actor $MARIA 0 1266.8125 -1107.6249 radius 1.0 1.0
80EF: not actor $LUIGI3_MISTY stopped 0 1196.0 -873.9999 radius 3.0 4.0
80F0: not actor $MARIA stopped 0 $2074 $2075 radius 3.0 3.0
80F1: not actor $MARIA stopped $2065 1259.0 -1107.7499 radius 3.0 3.0
80F6: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 1219.5625 -320.6874 27.375 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0
80F7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1088.375 -574.3749 13.6875 radius 2.5 2.5 2.5
80F8: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped $10 452.25 -1465.7499 17.5625 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
80F9: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 87.25 -1548.5624 28.25 radius 2.0 1.0 2.0
80FA: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 827.25 -1084.2499 6.75 radius 5.0 5.0 4.0
80FB: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $1484 radius 30.0 30.0 30.0
80FD: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $PED_FOR_TAXIMISSION in_car radius 7.0 7.0 2.0
80FF: not actor $1484 0 1205.875 -805.7499 14.0 radius 1.0 1.0 1.0
8103: not actor $1484 stopped_near_point_in_car 1205.6875 -789.1874 14.75 radius 4.0 4.0 6.0 sphere $10
8117: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wasted
8118: not actor $CHAR_GUNSHOPOWNER dead
8119: not car $CAR_PORTLAND_IMPORT wrecked
8121: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'PORT_W'
8122: not player $PLAYER_CHAR pressing_horn
8126: not actor $LUIGI3_MISTY walking
8149: not car $CAR_WITH_CORPSE crushed_by_car_crusher
815E: not car $735 wheels_on_ground
816B: not fading
8184: not actor $CRIMINAL_FOR_VIGILANTE health >= 70
8185: not car $VIGILANTE_CRIMINALS_CAR health >= 250
8198: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 1089.875 -223.8749 1084.5 -228.4999
8199: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 922.5625 -366.0624 928.5625 -354.2499
819B: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 1089.875 -223.8749 1084.5 -228.4999
819D: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 903.75 -420.1874 14.0 908.25 -431.0624 18.0
819E: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 903.75 -420.1874 14.0 908.25 -431.0624 18.0
81A0: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped $10 879.375 -303.3749 7.25 870.0625 -311.6874 10.0
81A8: not actor $MISTY_CHAR stopped $10 903.75 -420.1874 14.0 908.25 -431.0624 18.0
81AA: not actor $8BALL_CHAR stopped 0 879.375 -303.3749 7.25 870.0625 -311.6874 10.0
81AC: not car $TAXI_MISSION_CAR stopped 1 $1461 $1462 $1463 $1464 $1465 $1466
81AD: not car $JOEY4_LIMO 0 1198.5 -871.3749 2.0 2.0
81AE: not car $3524 stopped 0 113.0 -271.9999 5.0 5.0
81AF: not car $FRANK1_ENFORCER1 0 $2068 $2069 $2070 radius 2.0 2.0 2.0
81B0: not car $1497 stopped $10 1195.5625 -804.9999 13.6875 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
81C1: not car $TAXI_MISSION_CAR stopped
81F3: not car $USJ_CAR airborne
81F4: not car $FRANK2_TAXI flipped
81FC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $ASUKA3_REPORTER_BOAT radius 55.0 55.0 0
81FD: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car_on_foot $3623 radius 6.0 6.0 0
81FE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car_in_car $3721 radius 15.0 15.0 0
820D: not car $735 flipped
8214: not pickup 0@ picked_up
821C: not car_inside_garage $LUIGIS_LOCKUP_GARAGE
8228: not car $LIPSFORELLI_CAR bomb_status == 2
823D: not special_actor 4 loaded
8241: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_remote_mode
8248: not model #GANG03 available
8256: not player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
829C: not $735 stopped
829F: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped
82BF: not car $1517 sunk
82CA: not car $VIGILANTE_CRIMINALS_CAR bounding_sphere_visible
82CB: not actor $MARIA bounding_sphere_visible
82D0: not fire $1367 extinguished
82D7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 3
82D8: not actor $3525 currentweapon == 4
82E0: not unknown_actor $FRANK1_PARTY_PERSON1
82E9: not cutscene_reached_end
82EE: not projectile_in_cube 376.5 -445.1874 28.0625 380.0625 -441.1874 31.6875
8320: not actor $MISTY_CHAR in_range_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR
8329: not garage $PORTLAND_PAYNSPRAY_GARAGE respray_done
8339: not objects_in_cube 1008.0 -898.9999 14.0 996.5 -886.4999 20.0 0 1 1 0 1
834D: not unknown_rotate_object $PLAYER_DOOR unknown_angle 210.0 10.0 0
834E: not unknown_move_object $STAUNTON_HIDEOUT_DOOR1 to 105.3125 -482.7499 16.25 unknown_angle 0.0625 0.0 0.0 0
8356: not explosion_type 3 in_cube 961.0 -1112.4999 12.5 969.5 -1122.7499 15.0
8366: not (unknown) $3246
8383: not player $2392 car_horn_activated == true
838A: not car_in_cube $DIABLO1_CHEETAH1_X $DIABLO1_CHEETAH1_Y $DIABLO1_CHEETAH1_Z 4.0 4.0 4.0
83A0: not car $1483 picked_up_by_crane 1120.0 46.0
83B1: not garage $PORTLAND_IE_GARAGE door_closed
83B5: not catalina_shot_down
83C2: not phone $PHONE_RAY1 answered
83C6: not current_island == 1
83C9: not car $KENJI2_CHEETAH damaged
83D0: not wav_loaded
83D2: not wav_ended
83D9: not save_done
83EE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
8436: not reached_end_of_credits
8442: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car $PLAYER_CAR
8443: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_a_car
8447: not (unknown) $PLAYER_CHAR
8448: not actor $8BALL_CHAR in_car $EIGHT_CAR
05DC: end_custom_thread
05DD: end_custom_thread_named 'KEN1'
05DE: create_custom_thread 'ct.s'
05DF: write_memory 0xA10B2E size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 0
05E0: 0@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
05E1: call 0x55BFC0 num_params 3 pop 3 0 0 0@
05E2: call_function 0x4BC1E0 num_params 0 pop 0 0@
05E3: call_method 0x4DF240 struct 0@ num_params 3 pop 3 0.0 0.0 0.0
05E4: call_function_method 0x5BAA80 struct 0@ num_params 0 pop 0 1@
05E5: 0@ = game_version
05E6: 0@ = actor 0@ struct
05E7: 0@ = car 0@ struct
05E8: 0@ = object 0@ struct
05E9: 0@ = ped_struct 0@ handle
05EA: 0@ = vehicle_struct 0@ handle
05EB: 0@ = vehicle_struct 0@ handle
05EC: 0@ = current_thread_pointer
05ED: 0@ = thread 'MAIN' pointer
05EE: key_pressed 0x20 //VK_...
05EF: 3@ = random_actor_near_point 0@ 1@ 2@ in_radius 10.0 find_next 1 pass_deads 0 //IF and SET
05F0: 3@ = random_vehicle_near_point 0@ 1@ 2@ in_radius 10.0 find_next 1 pass_wrecked 0 //IF and SET
05F1: 3@ = random_object_near_point 0@ 1@ 2@ in_radius 10.0 find_next 1 //IF and SET
05F2: 0@ = pop_float
05F3: 0@ = 2 exp 0.5 //all floats
05F4: 0@ = log 0@ base 2 //all floats
05F5: call_scm_func @func params_count 0
05F6: ret 0


Wymyśliłem sobie na to sposób, będę udawał głucho niemego.
Postów: 878 Dołączył: 2009-01-20
Czemu ma służyć ten temat? Przecież taka lista jest dostępna w Sanny Builder i na stronie.

Postów: 552 Dołączył: 2009-11-29
ale chodzilo mi o to zeby mozna bylo to przetlumaczyc dla tych kto nie zna angielskiego
a dokladniej zeby kazdy mogl edytowac liste i wpisywac tam swoje tlumaczenia
sorki za pisownie ale zadko uzywam polskiego i juz mi sie jebie


Wymyśliłem sobie na to sposób, będę udawał głucho niemego.
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